Source code for stepmix.emission.nested

"""Nested emission model with support for multiple random variables."""
import copy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .emission import Emission

[docs]class Nested(Emission): """Nested emission model. The descriptor must be a dict of dicts, where the nested dicts hold arguments for nested models. Each nested dict is expected to have a model key referring to a valid emission model as well as an n_columns key describing the number of columns (i.e. features for univariate variables or features*n_outcomes for one-hot encoded variables) associated with that model. For example, a model where the first 3 features are gaussian with unit variance, the next 3 are multinoulli with 5 possible outcomes (for a total of 3*5=15 columns) and the last 4 are covariates would be described likeso : .. code-block:: python descriptor = { 'model_1': { 'model': 'gaussian_unit', 'n_columns':3 }, 'model_2': { 'model': 'multinoulli', 'n_columns': 15, 'n_outcomes': 5 }, 'model_3': { 'model': 'covariate', 'n_columns': 4, 'method': "newton-raphson", 'lr': 1e-3, } } The above model would then expect an n_samples x 22 matrix as input (3 + 15 + 4 = 22) where columns follow the same order of declaration (i.e., the columns of model_1 are first, columns of model_2 come after etc.). As demonstrated by the covariate argument, additional arguments can be specified and are passed to the associated Emission class. Particularly useful to specify optimization parameters for :class:`stepmix.emission.covariate.Covariate`. """ def __init__(self, descriptor, emission_dict, n_components, random_state, **kwargs): super(Nested, self).__init__(n_components, random_state) descriptor = copy.deepcopy( descriptor ) # Make sure we copy descriptor to avoid affecting original self.models = dict() self.columns_per_model = list() self.n_components = n_components self.random_state = random_state # Build the nested models for key, item in descriptor.items(): # Read in model type and the number of features. Other keys are used as arguments model = item.pop("model") n_columns = item.pop("n_columns") # Build model m = emission_dict[model]( n_components=self.n_components, random_state=self.random_state, **item ) # Save model and features self.models[key] = m self.columns_per_model.append(n_columns)
[docs] def initialize(self, X, resp, random_state=None): i = 0 for m, range_ in zip(self.models.values(), self.columns_per_model): # Slice columns to call the m-step only on the appropriate features m.initialize(X[:, i : i + range_], resp, random_state) i += range_
[docs] def m_step(self, X, resp): i = 0 for m, range_ in zip(self.models.values(), self.columns_per_model): # Slice columns to call the m-step only on the appropriate features m.m_step(X[:, i : i + range_], resp) i += range_
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, X): i = 0 log_eps = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.n_components)) for m, range_ in zip(self.models.values(), self.columns_per_model): # Slice columns to compute the log-likelihood only on the appropriate columns log_eps += m.log_likelihood(X[:, i : i + range_]) i += range_ return log_eps
[docs] def sample(self, class_no, n_samples): acc = list() for m in self.models.values(): acc.append(m.sample(class_no, n_samples)) return np.hstack(acc)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): parameters = dict() for key, m in self.models.items(): parameters[key] = m.get_parameters() return parameters
[docs] def set_parameters(self, parameters): for key, item in parameters.items(): self.models[key].set_parameters(item)
[docs] def print_parameters(self, indent=1, feature_names=None): if feature_names is None: n_columns = sum(self.columns_per_model) feature_names = self.get_default_feature_names(n_columns) i = 0 for name, m, range_ in zip( self.models.keys(), self.models.values(), self.columns_per_model ): # Slice parameter names to get the right column names for this submodel f_i = feature_names[i : i + range_] m.print_parameters(indent, model_name=name, feature_names=f_i) i += range_ print("\n")
@property def n_parameters(self): n = 0 for m in self.models.values(): n += m.n_parameters return n
[docs] def permute_classes(self, perm, axis=0): for key, item in self.models.items(): self.models[key].permute_classes(perm)
[docs] def get_parameters_df(self, feature_names=None): df_list = list() if feature_names is None: n_columns = sum(self.columns_per_model) feature_names = self.get_default_feature_names(n_columns) i = 0 for name, m, range_ in zip( self.models.keys(), self.models.values(), self.columns_per_model ): # Slice parameter names to get the right column names for this submodel f_i = feature_names[i : i + range_] df_i = m.get_parameters_df(f_i) df_i["model_name"] = name df_list.append(df_i) i += range_ return pd.concat(df_list)